I was a bit surprised, when I read Claire#s Mail this monday. She offered me to participate at a Sales Traing Course. So this Tuesday I went to our Porsche Distribution. This was a really exciting day for me, because, Claire promised me almost to months ago, I would get such a possibility, but as they where all in hurry, I did not hear anything about it anymore. But good for me: She kept her promise. I am so thankful for this. Also because of the content of the Course. Unlike the other employees, which participated there, everything was new for me. I learned many things about the long selling way from first contact to the purchase of a car, the special forms of responding to enquiries, and the typical thinking of a customer. I knew some things from school, but as I normally work in a complete different branche, I could not get in touch with those work methods. So I really appreciated the day and I am really happy about this week. It seems to get better and better.
Might this be compensation for two months of scanning? Probably, because Claire always mentions that she is sorry about, not giving me more exciting tasks. But as this week is full of exciting work, I am currently really happy, working together with Claire and Lynnette. They are always kind and they try to make my work as good as possible.